Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Okay. Haven't blogged in forever. Haven't written in forever! My inspiration is at a standstill. What to do? What to do?

First, I've decided I'll write something, anything. I'm hoping this spurs me on. My last publication was in 2008! Ten years is a long time to trunk your work. I should be flogged, I suppose. A good caning of my spirit might work, might force name to the keyboard. Whether anyone reads my work now or not, doesn't mean that it won't be read, that somewhere my poetry or pride won't appear in some stuff anthology.

The squirrels have planted a dozen walnut trees just across my backyard fence, and as I stare at their leaves dancing in the breeze, I wonder what happened to me. Why have I put my words into some self-confinement? Am I lazy or just uninspired?